It’s Okay to Sing the Blues

              I recall a sweet, young, Christian lady who, after having suffered a tragic loss, took to her bed, and wept uncontrollably for a good while. Her father, a deacon of the Baptist variety, came to her home, entered her room, and sternly counseled, “You need to stop this. You are a Christian and ChristiansContinue reading “It’s Okay to Sing the Blues”

Embracing Your Cross

              George Matheson once prayed, “Lord, I have heard men say, ‘Go bury your sorrow.” Yet, I think the peace you give is deeper than that. It is not forgetfulness of my cross that I most need; it is glorified remembrance…” This is close to, though not an exact mirroring of, Luther’s distinction between aContinue reading “Embracing Your Cross”

Epistemology and the Heart

              Knowing Truth is not a wholly intellectual exercise. Truth is hidden from those who hide it. In Matthew’s gospel, the chief priests and elders demanded that Jesus validate his authority for his ministerial acts. Jesus agreed to do so on one condition: They must tell him the source of John the Baptist’s authority.              Continue reading “Epistemology and the Heart”

When the Tax Collector Looked Up

              Two men when up to the Temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The tax collector, knowing his sin, stood far back and would not lift up his eyes. But then he heard the Pharisee pray, “God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust,Continue reading “When the Tax Collector Looked Up”


              Forgive me if I don’t get this exactly correct, but the basic outline of the Qanon phenomena, as I understand it, is: There is an anonymous person or persons within the intelligence community of the United States government who has been working with Donald Trump to overthrow the “Deep State” and the globalist cabalContinue reading “Q”

Jesus, Our High Priest

              Exodus 28 presents detailed instructions for the design of the priest’s garments. This information takes up the build of the chapter. The critical element seems to be the inclusion of the names of Israel’s tribes which were to be engraved on stones and set into the clothing. The tribal names were to be inContinue reading “Jesus, Our High Priest”

Truth or Tyranny

              This postmodern world, the world in which Truth is said not to exist, the world in which there is always and only “your truth” and “my truth,” is disintegrating. It must. Truth is foundational. All foundationless structures eventually collapse.               Truth, as Jesus said, sets us free. So, this world of dissolution, comes apart,Continue reading “Truth or Tyranny”

Love Him or Hate Him

              No analogy is perfect. This one is no exception. So, please excuse the imperfections. But imagine all of my girlfriends from the days of my youth. I’m using the word “imagine” quite literally because the way I’m framing this will require a vivid imagination. It’s not that I didn’t want a lot of girlfriends,Continue reading “Love Him or Hate Him”

The Attractiveness of Godly, Fearless, Manliness

              Recently I came across a study published online about the non-mating habits of Generation Z. In the article, the author contends that this generation is struggling in the area of mating and reproduction because of a lack of manliness among young men. His basic theory is that a majority of young men are veryContinue reading “The Attractiveness of Godly, Fearless, Manliness”

Backyard Feast

Life on a Small Island Homestead

Paws Bark

Dogs Leave Paw Print in your Heart

Writing about...Writing

Some coffee, a keyboard and my soul! My first true friends!

Journeyman's Journal

This is a journal of the art of woodworking by hand

Seeing God

For Who He Really Is

The Gastronomy Gal

all things food and nutrition